Variables and Operators (add, subtract, divide...)
In PowerShell, all variable names start with the “$” character.
Creating a new variable can be done in several ways:
$MyVariable = SomeValue
$MyVariable = "Some String Value"
[DataType]$MyVariable = SomeValue
New-Item Variable:\MyVariable -value SomeValue
New-Variable:\MyVariable -value SomeValue
Variable names containing punctuation, can be handled with the syntax ${MyVari@ble} = SomeValue
However if the braces ${ } contain a colon ":" then powershell will treat the variable as a PATH and store the values directly in that file.
${C:\some_file.txt} = SomeValue
Operators allow you to assign a value to the variable, or perform mathematical operations:
Operator Description
= n Equals n
+= n Increase value by n (for strings will append n to the string)
-= n Decrease the value by n
*= n Multiply the value by n (for strings, duplicate the string n times)
/= n Divide the value by n
%= n Divide the value by n and assign the remainder (modulus)
Arithmetic operators:
+ Add, - Subtract, * Multiply, / Divide, % Mod(Remainder from a division)
.NET Math library:
[system.math] | gm -static
Powershell will follow normal arithmetic precedence working left to right, parentheses can be used override this.
$myPrice = 128
$myPrice += 200
$myItem = "Barbecue grill"
$myDescription = $myItem + " $ " + $myPrice
$CastAsString = "55"
$myHexValue = 0x10
$myExponentialValue = 6.5e3
Strongly typed:
[int]$myPrice = 128
[string]$myDescription = "Barbecue grill"
[string]$myDescription = 123
[string]$myDate = (get-date).ToString("yyyyMM")
$([DateTime] "12/30/2009")
When creating strongly typed variables it can be helpful to indicate the datatype in the variable name: $strProduct or $intPrice
Array variables:
$myArray = "The", "world", "is", "everlasting"
Powershell can also assign values to multiple variables:
$varX, $varY = 64
$varA, $varB, $varC = 1, 2, 3
That will assign 1 to $varA, 2 to $varB, and 3 to $varC.
Script blocks
An entire script block can be stored in a variable: $myVar = { a bunch of commands }
Then run/call the script using &
PS C:\> & $myVar
You may want to take this a step further and turn the script block into a Function or Filter.
Reserved Words - the following may not be used as identifiers (unless surrounded in quotes)
break, continue, do, else, elseif, for, foreach, function, filter, in, if, return, switch, until, where, while.