(searches per day from your favorite tool.)
(number of results when searched "exact match wrapped in quotes")
(KEI = (P^2/C)/1000)
Is KEI A Good Indicator For Useful Keywords?
According to the KEI definition, the best keywords are those that have many searches and that don't have much competition in the search results.
However, the KEI makes no statement about the quality of the competition. While there might be only a few competitors in the search results, these competitors could be big players with big SEO teams and thousands of back links.
The number of sites competing for your key phrase, example:"google search".
Only documents that have the word “google” in their title, and mention the word “search” anywhere in the document (title or no).
Only documents that have both “google” and “search” in the title.
Only documents that have the word “google” in their url.
Only documents that have both “google” and “search” in the url.
Only within links, not text or title.
Only text of pages, but not in the links or page title.
Only text of pages that have "google" and "search", but not in the links or page title.
N/A (Clear Selection)
Restrict the results to exact phrase “google search”.
Already have a site? What does Google think of your site?
Information Google has about your site.
Documents that Google thinks are related to yours.
Documents from your site that Google has indexed.
Want to see what Google has in its cache?
N/A (Clear Selection)
Sumantra Roy, a respected Search Engine Positioning specialist from http://www.1stSearchRanking.com has kindly allowed us to incorporate his KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) into Wordtracker.
The KEI compares the Count result (number of times a keyword has appeared in our data) with the number of competing web pages to pinpoint exactly which keywords are most effective for your campaign.
In a nutshell: Look for the keywords near the top. The higher the KEI, the more popular your keywords are, and the less competition they have. Which means you have a better chance of getting to the top.
The article below is a much more detailed look at the KEI and why we have decided to use it.
The KEI is a measure of how effective a keyword is for your web site. The derivation of the formula for KEI is based on three axioms:
1) The KEI for a keyword should increase if its popularity increases. Popularity is defined as the number present in the "Count" column of WordTracker. This axiom is self-explanatory.
2) The KEI for a keyword should decrease if it becomes more competitive. Competitiveness is defined as the number of sites which a search engine e.g. AltaVista displays when you search for that keyword using exact match search.
Exact match search means that a search engine searches for only those sites which use the keyword exactly as typed in by the user. It is the equivalent of entering:
Partial match search means that a search engine also searches for sites which contain the individual words of the keyword but not necessarily occurring together or in the order typed in by the user. It is the equivalent of entering:
Partial match search presents a distorted picture of the competitiveness of a keyword because when you optimize your site for a particular keyword, you are actually competing with sites which have used the keyword exactly as typed in by the user.
So to clarify, competitiveness is defined as the number of sites which a search engine displays when you search for that keyword using exact match search, that is with quotes surrounding the term. Rather than those web sites returned when entering the phrase only partially, that is without quotes.
Note: When you select KEI Analysis, quotes will be added temporarily to each of your search terms for the purposes of the search.
3) If a keyword becomes more popular and more competitive at the same time such that the ratio between its popularity and competitiveness remains the same, its KEI should increase. The rationale behind this axiom requires a more detailed explanation. The best way to do this is to take an example:
Suppose the popularity of a keyword is 4 and AltaVista displays 100 sites for that keyword. Then the ratio between popularity and competitiveness for that keyword is 4/100 = 0.04.
Suppose that both the popularity and the competitiveness of the keyword increases. Assume that the popularity increases to 40 and AltaVista now displays 1000 sites for that keyword. Then the ratio between popularity and competitiveness for that keyword is 40/1000 = 0.04.
Hence, the keyword has the same ratio between popularity and competitiveness as before. However, as is obvious, the keyword would be far more attractive in the second case. If the popularity is only 4, there's hardly any point in spending time trying to optimize your site for it even though you have a bigger chance of ending up in the top 30 since there are only 100 sites which are competing for a top 30 position. Each hit is no doubt important, but from a cost-benefit angle, the keyword is hardly a good choice. However, when the popularity increases to 40, the keyword becomes more attractive even though its competitiveness increases. Although it is now that much more difficult to get a top 30 ranking, spending time in trying to do so is worthwhile from the cost benefit viewpoint.
A good KEI must satisfy all the 3 axioms. Let P denote the popularity of the keyword and C the competitiveness.
The formula that we have chosen is KEI = (P^2/C), i.e. KEI is the square of the popularity of the keyword and divided by its competitiveness. This formula satisfies all the 3 axioms:
i) If P increases, P^2 increases and hence KEI increases. Hence, Axiom 1 is satisfied.
ii) If C increases, KEI decreases and hence, Axiom 2 is satisfied.
iii) If P and C both increase such that P/C is the same as before, KEI increases since KEI can be written as
KEI = (P^2/C) = (P/C * P). Since P/C remains the same, and P increases, KEI must increase. Hence, Axiom 3 is satisfied.
Note that the formula for KEI is not unique. In fact, this is one of the nice things about the KEI. If, instead of using 2, you use any power of P greater than 1, the resultant formula will also satisfy the 3 axioms. For example, (P^1.5/C) and (P^3/C) both satisfy the 3 axioms. The exact power of P that you choose depends on how much emphasis you want to give to the popularity of a keyword viz-a-viz its competitiveness. Higher the power of P in the formula, higher will be the emphasis on popularity. If you are very confident about your search engine positioning skills, choose a higher value for the power of P. If you are not that confident about your search engine positioning skills, choose a lower value for the power of P (but the power should still be more than 1). Thus, the KEI can be adapted to your skill level! Feeling confused as to which power you should choose? Stick to 2. It maintains a nice balance between both popularity and competitiveness.
Please note that Wordtracker defaults to 2 (P^2/C) as described above.
The Keyword Effectiveness Index was invented by Sumantra Roy. Sumantra is one of the most respected and recognized search engine positioning specialists on the Internet. For free articles and tips on search engine positioning, subscribe to the 1st Search Ranking Newsletter by going to http://www.1stSearchRanking.com/newsletter.htm
Keyword Google No. of Competitors KEI
EXCEL FORMULA: =IF(C2<>0,B2^2/C2*1000,B2^2*1000)